CSU Stanislaus Library

CSU Stanislaus Library
"Your Library...Your Achievement"

Friday, December 19, 2008

What do you think?

Answer these survey questions here or at www.myspace.com/universitylibrary

What can the Library do to make itself more appealing or valuable to students?

What can the Library do to make itself more appealing or valuable to campus faculty and staff?

Any additional comments? (Any and all comments are welcome)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Reading by Edwin Decker on 11/21/08

reads from Barzilla and Other Psalms

Friday, November 21st, 1:30 PM
West Reading Room, CSU Stanislaus Library

Edwin Decker is a freelance columnist, journalist, and poet residing in San Diego. He regularly publishes articles in newspapers and magazines around the country, including a syndicated weekly column. Decker is also on staff at the Southern California Writer's Conference during which he runs workshops and gives lectures. His book Barzilla and Other Psalms was nominated for a 2007 San Diego Book Award in the category of poetry, and his performance piece, "Questioning Innocence is Questionable," won the San Diego Visual Arts Network Performance-Slam grand prize.

http://library. csustan. edu/outreach/decker-2008-11-21. html

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ever been asked to use a citation style?

A bunch of professors ask students to cite their sources/research using a particular citation style. In our experience, some students are not familar with acceptable citation styles. Experienced or not, check out these guides to help get you started on using citation styles appropriately.

Check this out:

Monday, October 20, 2008


The California State University, Stanislaus Library has decided to create a blog for your convenience and entertainment. Please feel free to browse our blog from time to time and check for any updates on interesting or new material. Your comments and opinions are welcome.

Library Photo Tour

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